Table of Contents

This guide applies to Steeltoe v3. Please open an issue if you'd like to help update the content for Steeltoe v4.


Looking for a .NET Framework example? Have a look.

Using Management Endpoints

This tutorial takes you through setting up a .NET Core application with cloud management endpoints automatically added in.


For more detailed examples, please refer to the Management projects in the Steeltoe Samples Repository.

Create a .NET Core WebAPI with Actuators enabled

  1. Create a new ASP.NET Core WebAPI app with the Steeltoe Initializr

  2. Name the project "ManagementEndpointsNetCoreExample"

  3. Add the "Actuators" dependency

  4. Click Generate Project to download a zip containing the new project

  5. Extract the zipped project and open in your IDE of choice

  6. Expose all endpoints in appsettings.json

      "management": {
        "endpoints": {
          "actuator": {
            "exposure": {
              "include": ["*"]

Exposing all endpoints is not an ideal setting in production. This is for example only.

Run the application

dotnet run<PATH_TO>\ManagementEndpointsNetCoreExample.csproj

Navigate to the management endpoints summary page (you may need to change the port number) http://localhost:5000/actuator

Once the summary page loads, you will see a list of all available management endpoints that have been automatically created. Click each link to see what information is offered.