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Introducing Steeltoe Stream

Steeltoe Stream is a framework for building message-driven microservice applications. It builds upon other Steeltoe components to enable developers to create standalone, production-grade .NET applications providing connectivity to messaging systems. It provides an opinionated configuration of underlying middleware introducing the concepts of persistent publish-subscribe semantics, consumer groups, and partitions.

With Steeltoe Stream, developers can:

  • Build, test, iterate, and deploy data-centric applications in isolation.
  • Apply modern microservices architecture patterns, including composition through messaging.
  • Decouple application responsibilities with event-centric thinking. An event can represent something that has happened in time, to which the downstream consumer applications can react without knowing where it originated or the producer's identity.
  • Port business logic onto messaging systems (such as RabbitMQ, etc).
  • Rely on the framework's automatic content-type support for common use-cases and yet is extendable to different data conversion types as needed.
  • Develop Stream components in .NET which can be deployed on Spring Cloud Data Flow.

For more reading about Steeltoe Stream: