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This guide applies to Steeltoe v3. Please open an issue if you'd like to help update the content for Steeltoe v4.

App Configuration with Cloud Foundry

This tutorial takes you through setting up a .NET Core application that retrieves environment variable values from Cloud Foundry.


For more detailed examples, please refer to the SimpleCloundFoundry project in the Steeltoe Samples Repository.

First, create a .NET Core WebAPI that retrieves (configuration) environment variables from Cloud Foundry.

  1. Create a new ASP.NET Core WebAPI app with the Steeltoe Initializr
  2. Name the project "CloudFoundryExample"
  3. Add the "Cloud Foundry" dependency
  4. Click Generate Project to download a zip containing the new project

Run the application.

  1. Publish the application locally using the .NET cli. The following command will create a publish folder automatically

    dotnet publish -o .\publish <PATH_TO>\CloudFoundryExample.csproj
  2. Create manifest.yml in the same folder as CloudFoundryExample.csproj

      - name: Cloud_Foundry_Example
      - dotnet_core_buildpack
    stack: cflinuxfs3

    With yaml files indention and line endings matter. Use an IDE like VS Code to confirm spacing and that line endings are set to LF (not the Windows default CR LF)

  3. Push the app to Cloud Foundry

    cf push -f <PATH_TO>\manifest.yml -p .\publish
  4. Navigate to the application endpoint https://<APP_ROUTE>/api/values

  5. If all things go well you should see an output of configuration values provided by the Cloud Foundry platform