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Distributed Tracing

On the subject of distributed tracing for .NET applications, previous versions of Steeltoe offered either an implementation of OpenCensus or shortcuts for enabling distributed tracing with OpenTelemetry to integrate with the Tanzu platform. We painted ourselves into a corner with Steeltoe 3, which has a strong dependency on OpenTelemetry packages. New versions of OpenTelemetry contained breaking changes, which we couldn't adapt to without resorting to reflection. While we do that in other places, reflection is slow, and instrumentation is performance-sensitive.

By now, OpenTelemetry has evolved to the point that only a few lines of code are needed. So instead of providing a Steeltoe component, the guidance below is offered to accomplish the same. The benefit of that is greater flexibility: when OpenTelemetry changes, there's no need to wait for a new Steeltoe version first.

Steeltoe continues to directly offer an option for log correlation. This page also provides direction for developers looking to achieve the same outcomes Steeltoe has previously provided more directly.


As the name implies, distributed tracing is a way of tracing requests through distributed systems. Distributed tracing is typically accomplished by instrumenting components of the system to recognize and pass along metadata that is specific to a particular action or user request, and using another backend system to reconstruct the flow of the request through that metadata.

In the parlance of distributed tracing, a "span" is the basic unit of work. For example, sending an HTTP request creates a new span, as does sending a response. Spans are identified by a unique ID and contain the ID for the "trace" it is part of. Spans also have other data like descriptions, key-value annotations, the ID of the span that initiated the execution flow, and process IDs. Spans are started and stopped, and they keep track of their timing information. Once you create a span, you must stop it at some point in the future. A set of spans form a tree-like structure called a "trace". For example, a trace might be formed by a POST request that adds an item to a shopping cart, which results in calling several backend services.

Log correlation

Log correlation is all about taking log entries from disparate systems and bringing them together using some matching criteria (such as a distributed trace ID). The process can be easier when important pieces of data are logged in the same format across different systems (such as .NET and Java apps communicating with each other).

Steeltoe provides the class TracingLogProcessor, which is an IDynamicMessageProcessor for correlating logs. The processor is built for use with a Steeltoe Dynamic Logging provider. It enriches log entries with correlation data using the same trace format popularized by Spring Cloud Sleuth, that include [<ApplicationName>,<TraceId>,<SpanId>,<ParentSpanId>,<IsAllDataRequested>].

Consider this pair of log entries from the Steeltoe Management sample applications:

info: System.Net.Http.HttpClient.ActuatorApiClient.LogicalHandler[100]
       [ActuatorWeb,44ed2fe24a051bda2d1a56815448e9fb,8d51b985e3f0fd81,0000000000000000,true] Start processing HTTP request GET http://localhost:5140/weatherForecast?fromDate=2024-12-19&days=1

dbug: Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Database.Command[20104]
       [ActuatorApi,44ed2fe24a051bda2d1a56815448e9fb,c32846ff227bed40,f315823f4c554816,true] Created DbCommand for 'ExecuteReader' (1ms).

Log correlation is easiest with a tool such as Splunk, SumoLogic or DataDog (this is not an endorsement of any tool, only a pointer to some popular options).

Using TracingLogProcessor

To use the processor, first add a reference to the Steeltoe.Management.Tracing NuGet package.

The only remaining step is to register the processor:

using Steeltoe.Management.Tracing;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

This extension method also ensures that implementations of IApplicationInstanceInfo and IDynamicLoggerProvider have been registered. If you wish to customize either of those or use non-default implementations, do so before calling AddTracingLogProcessor.


To use OpenTelemetry, start by adding a reference to the OpenTelemetry.Extensions.Hosting NuGet package. Other package references will likely be necessary, but depend on your specific application needs. This package provides access to OpenTelemetryBuilder, which is the main entrypoint to OpenTelemetry.

Add Open Telemetry Tracing

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

At this point, not much has changed for the application - you will need changes to this line to add instrumentation and exporting of traces.

Sampler configuration

OpenTelemetry Provides the Sampler abstraction for configuring when traces should be recorded. The simplest options are AlwaysOnSampler and AlwaysOffSampler, with their names describing exactly which traces will be recorded.

As a replacement for what Steeltoe used to provide for using these samplers, set the environment variable OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER to always_on or always_off.


OpenTelemetry is generally built to follow the options pattern. There are more ways to configure options than demonstrated on this page, these are just examples to get started.

Set Application Name

In order to use the Steeltoe name for your application with OpenTelemetry, call SetResourceBuilder and pass in a value from the registered IApplicationInstanceInfo:

using OpenTelemetry.Resources;
using OpenTelemetry.Trace;
using Steeltoe.Common;

builder.Services.ConfigureOpenTelemetryTracerProvider((serviceProvider, tracerProviderBuilder) =>
    var appInfo = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IApplicationInstanceInfo>();

The above example assumes you are already using some other Steeltoe component which adds IApplicationInstanceInfo to the IoC container. If that is not the case, there are two steps to take to register the default implementation:

  1. Add a NuGet package reference to Steeltoe.Common
  2. Call AddApplicationInstanceInfo
using Steeltoe.Common.Extensions;

var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);

Instrumenting applications

In order to maximize the benefit of collecting distributed traces, you'll want participation from the core components and frameworks of your application and some 3rd party components. Some packages in the .NET ecosystem automatically support OpenTelemetry, others can be supported by the collection of instrumentation libraries. Steeltoe previously configured the instrumentation libraries for HttpClient and ASP.NET Core.


To instrument requests coming into the application through ASP.NET Core, start by adding a reference to the OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.AspNetCore NuGet package.

Next, add the instrumentation to the TracerProviderBuilder by updating the existing call from above to:

using OpenTelemetry.Trace;

builder.Services.AddOpenTelemetry().WithTracing(tracerProviderBuilder => tracerProviderBuilder.AddAspNetCoreInstrumentation());

In order to replicate the Steeltoe setting IngressIgnorePattern (a Regex pattern describing which incoming requests to ignore), configure the AspNetCoreTraceInstrumentationOptions:

using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.AspNetCore;

builder.Services.Configure<AspNetCoreTraceInstrumentationOptions>(options =>
    const string defaultIngressIgnorePattern = @"/actuator/.*|/cloudfoundryapplication/.*|.*\.png|.*\.css|.*\.js|.*\.html|/favicon.ico|.*\.gif";
    Regex ingressPathMatcher = new(defaultIngressIgnorePattern, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
    options.Filter += httpContext => !ingressPathMatcher.IsMatch(httpContext.Request.Path);

As an alternative to using a regular expression, you can list out the paths to ignore in the Filter property (Filter is a Func<HttpContext, bool>?):

using OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.AspNetCore;

builder.Services.Configure<AspNetCoreTraceInstrumentationOptions>(options =>
    options.Filter += httpContext =>
        !httpContext.Request.Path.StartsWithSegments("/actuator", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
        !httpContext.Request.Path.StartsWithSegments("/cloudfoundryapplication", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

By default, the ASP.NET Core instrumentation does not filter out any requests. The latter approach above may quickly prove unwieldy if there are many patterns to ignore, such as when listing many file types.

To learn more about ASP.NET Core instrumentation for OpenTelemetry see the documentation.


To instrument requests leaving the application through HttpClient, start by adding a reference to the OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.Http NuGet package.

Next, add the instrumentation to the TracerProviderBuilder by updating the existing call from above to:

using OpenTelemetry.Trace;

builder.Services.AddOpenTelemetry().WithTracing(tracerProviderBuilder => tracerProviderBuilder.AddHttpClientInstrumentation());

In order to replicate the Steeltoe setting EgressIgnorePattern (a Regex pattern describing which outgoing HTTP requests to ignore), configure the HttpClientTraceInstrumentationOptions:

using OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.Http;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

builder.Services.Configure<HttpClientTraceInstrumentationOptions>(options =>
    const string defaultEgressIgnorePattern = "/api/v2/spans|/v2/apps/.*/permissions";
    Regex egressPathMatcher = new(defaultEgressIgnorePattern, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
    options.FilterHttpRequestMessage += httpRequestMessage => !egressPathMatcher.IsMatch(httpRequestMessage.RequestUri?.PathAndQuery ?? string.Empty);

To learn more about HttpClient instrumentation for OpenTelemetry see the documentation.

Propagating Trace Context

By default, OpenTelemetry uses the W3C trace context for propagating traces. Some systems like Cloud Foundry may still be configured for the Zipkin standard of B3 propagation.

In order to use B3 propagation, add a reference to the OpenTelemetry.Extensions.Propagators NuGet package.

Next, let the compiler know that the B3Propagator should come from the package reference you just added (rather than the deprecated class found in OpenTelemetry.Context.Propagation):

using B3Propagator = OpenTelemetry.Extensions.Propagators.B3Propagator;

Finally, register a CompositeTextMapPropagator that includes the B3Propagator and BaggagePropagator:

using OpenTelemetry;
using OpenTelemetry.Context.Propagation;
using OpenTelemetry.Trace;

builder.Services.ConfigureOpenTelemetryTracerProvider((_, _) =>
    List<TextMapPropagator> propagators =
        new B3Propagator(),
        new BaggagePropagator()

    Sdk.SetDefaultTextMapPropagator(new CompositeTextMapPropagator(propagators));

Exporting Distributed Traces

Previous versions of Steeltoe could automatically configure several different trace exporters, including Zipkin, OpenTelemetryProtocol (OTLP) and Jaeger. The Jaeger exporter has been deprecated in favor of OTLP, which was only minimally configured by Steeltoe and is better described by the official OTLP exporter documentation.

Zipkin Server

To use the Zipkin Exporter, add a reference to the OpenTelemetry.Exporter.Zipkin NuGet package.

Next, use the extension method AddZipkinExporter by updating the existing call from above to:

builder.Services.AddOpenTelemetry().WithTracing(tracerProviderBuilder => tracerProviderBuilder.AddZipkinExporter());

The Zipkin options class ZipkinExporterOptions works nearly the same as Steeltoe settings with the same names in previous releases:

using OpenTelemetry.Exporter;

builder.Services.Configure<ZipkinExporterOptions>(options =>
    options.Endpoint = new Uri("http://localhost:9411");
    options.MaxPayloadSizeInBytes = 4096;
    options.UseShortTraceIds = true;

The Zipkin endpoint can also be set with the environment variable "OTEL_EXPORTER_ZIPKIN_ENDPOINT".